Monday, 8 May 2017

The Plattershare Feedback Campaign

it is  said that everyone has a book in them. These days, it might be more appropriate in the age of internet.  But most  of people (like me )retain a thirst for more thoughtful writing, and also a desire to share it as widely as possible – and this type of  platform is @plattershare that fulfilled my this type of desire.Thankyou #plattershare.
second best thing about #plattershare is that they  provided us new products like chia seeds to increase our creativity and introduce them to public.This way we (homechefs and viewers )are getting advantageThis way .Plattershare Associate Program gives an exposure to the various brands and products unknown to general public.  
Best thing about #plattershare is that we feel it like our own platform,because of Kirtiji and Ankushji.Because of my health I am not very active ,but always there is desire to be active in such a wonderful platform because of 

Mr. Ankush Dhiman and Kirti Yadav.

.these were 3 features that we  liked the most.
Plattershare organizes contest every-week on various themes and a celebrity chef choose the winner. The best recipe is selected by them .but they should try to give the chance to everyone to fill with joy to  every homechefs .For this consolation prize can be introduced .
I want some  theme based on line contest daily,so that everone would get chance to be a winner.We want some masterchef type of event in various cities.
I thank plattershare once again to giving a wonderful platform to all the homechefs and  wish plattershare to become a successful food network in coming years.My special thanks to Mr. Ankush Dhiman and Kirti Yadav for their humble  behavior..